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Choose the Right Membership for You

  • Best Value

    Monthly India

    Every month
    Get access to the all our online classes
    • 24 Personal sessions
    • 6 Days A Week
    • 30 mins class
    • 1 Islamic Studies Class Per Week
    • Monthly Progress Reports
    • Rewards after completing each lesson
    • Male and female teacher for your comfort
    • English and Urdu classes available
    • Online resources
  • Monthly International

    Every month
    Personalized plan and weekly training
    • 24 Personal sessions
    • 6 Days A Week
    • 30 mins class
    • 1 Day Islamic Studies
    • Monthly Progress Reports
    • Rewards after completing each lession
    • Male and female teacher for your comfort
    • English and Urdu classes available
    • Online resources
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